Belgian through and through, Alesmith's Horny Devil is a Belgian Strong Ale steeped in the massive tradition of Belgian brewing. First, let me tip my hat to Alesmith for the dedication they have obviously put into this beer: Belgian malts and Belgian candi sugar and a yeast strain from a Trappist monastery in Belgium, this beer is more of a tribute to Belgian brewing than an incarnation.
Now to the taste. As most of you know, I'm not much of a Belgian drinker, although I have utmost respect for the tradition they have founded and fostered over the centuries. That being said, perhaps this ale is somewhat wasted on my palate, but as I try to expand my knowledge and love of beers, it's hard to resist fancy bottles with red foil tops that are named... Horny Devil, of all things.
Alesmith has given me quite a name to work with in this post and although I'm tempted to write a love song of sorts to this ale, the taste just isn't the same seductress as
Stone 13th, that caused every bit of me to swoon in admiration. No, this is much more of an, aptly named, Horny Devil.
Check out the vapors coming out of the bottle when I opened it!
It pours like an old man pulling up in a new sports car, with a light straw color, topped with a heavy head and very little lacing; the almost golden color makes you wish it had just a bit more backbone to sit under that awkwardly placed toupe. The aromas ring with sweet Belgian malts and yeast, perhaps for some just the right combination of colognes and perfume, but to my nose comes across a bit too strong.
Carbonation opens the door for you, which gradually seeps into the Belgian malt with a heavy dose corriander: an attibute that Alesmith proudly boasts on the bottle. The taste finishes with a sweet residue of lingering Belgian sugars and yeast. Overall, not a bad beer and with a surpising kick at 11%. The corriander is an interesting addition, and seems well matched to the flavors, leaving a small peppery taste in the mouth to make complex what would otherwise be unadulterated sweetness.
Alesmith has done a great job making a very smooth drinking beer, and true to the name, certainly does seem to sneak up on you. I certainly wouldn't turn Mr. Devil down on a hot sunny day, but as it's pouring down here in SoCal, I could use a bit more punch. A little extra carbonation up front and richness in the back end would help round out some of the extremes of this beer. I can't help but wish that with such an auspicious name, that Alesmith had gone for a barleywine or belgian/IPA hybrid, something a bit more creative than celebratory. The most accurately named quality is the subtlety of the alcohol content, which sneaks up on you for such a light body; leaving me with a final thought of... this is one creepy, Horny Devil.
Horny Devil: ***1/2